shift your weight
- 挪动身体

Nathan : Step forward , and shift your weight .
I can 't see it ! I can 't see it ! Shift your weight towards the front !
On count of3 , rock and shift your weight from your back leg to your front leg .
Bending both elbows , shift your weight far forward between your hands until you can lift your back leg .
Step forward with your left leg and shift your weight , lifting up on to your right foot 's toes .
When right leg is behind you , shift your weight onto it while bending right knee and lifting right heel .
Shift your weight laterally , all the way to the other side , without lowering your body and hold an equal contraction .
Shift your weight to your right leg , place your left heel onto the step , and repeat the stretch on your left leg .
Stand in front of a step , shift your weight to your slightly bent left leg , and place your right heel onto the step .
You shift your weight into the contact spot , into the ball ; the stroke heads through the middle of the ball toward your opponent . 2 directions for each contact .
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart . Put your right foot in front of your left , and shift your weight onto your right foot so that the left heel is off the ground . Do this 10 times .